Social network marketing is the thing to do if you want a free way to promote your business, brand name or company. However, if you’re like most internet network marketers who take on the social media you most probably hit the wall.
So what’s got so many people up in arms not knowing what to do?
You can point a rigid finger at attraction marketing. This is the, so many people throw around, yet few people actually know what it is and how to do it.
You see, the biggest problem you’re going to have is knowing what to do on these social media or social networking sites. And here’s why:
They, just like you, bought into social network marketing without being told the vital information to make it work.
And unless you know what you’re doing, you’re going to end up wasting more time than you ever care to admit.
Social network marketing was the thing to do if you wanted free ways to market your business.
Unfortunately, if you’re like most internet network marketers who take on social media, you have probably hit a brick wall. Take a good look around on the Internet.
Go to your favorite social networking site and see all the other marketers just like you who are trying to get the benefits of this form of marketing too. Some are, but many are not.
Do you want to attract prospects to you or do you want to use these sites to help distribute your articles and videos? Or both?
A lot of people dilly-dally on these sites not knowing what to do and end up wasting a lot of time. These same people complain that social marketing is a big waste of time. And it is for those who don’t have a plan or don’t know what they’re doing.
That’s not you because you are going into this smarter and savvier than most other network marketers. And here is why:
If you’re going to these websites to network, then you’ll have to be someone people want to connect to. You’re either the leader people are looking for, or you’re a little-lost lamb that doesn’t know what to do.
The first approach will provoke people to look at your website and check out your content, while the other will repel people from you. This is the difference between the night and the day. And in a nutshell, that’s what attraction marketing is all about.
Which approach do you want to use?
Being someone, who people want to know more about, and respectively wish to do business with. It takes just a couple of steps to turn around and start becoming the person who attracts prospects.
Here is what you want to avoid:
You want to avoid looking desperate, which is what a lot of network marketers end up doing.
You want to avoid “messing” around on websites without having a clear plan of action of what you’re going to do.
The more concrete you are about your objective, the more likely you’ll have success in accomplishing your goals on these sites.
Social network marketing can help you tremendously in your business as long as you know what you’re doing and follow a well-thought-out plan to attract prospects to you and or syndicate your content.