How to Get Over Quickly the Marketing Overwhelm?

2 min readMay 5, 2020


First, identify what is holding you back.

Do you have a clear idea of what you need to accomplish — build a Web presence, book speaking engagements, host a teleseminar?

Are you trying to do too many things by yourself?

Are you inconsistent in your marketing efforts?

All of the above?

Getting clarity on what is holding you back is critical to finding the tools and getting the training or mentoring required to take the next step forward. You’ll need an honest self- assessment or an assessment by someone knowledgeable and external to your local business to tackle this step.

Next, you need to be sure that you are not operating under one or more of the three biggest misconceptions that interfere with your ability to create a workable marketing plan for your business:

Myth Number 1: More is better

A Mythbuster: It’s actually better to master one or two elements of a marketing plan instead of doing a mediocre to the poor job at several of them.

Myth Number 2: You should always challenge yourself

A Mythbuster: Instead of spending your time and energy on things that are overly taxing for you, delegate or outsource them.

Myth Number 3: Time is Money

A Mythbuster: This is only true if you are working on activities that generate results!

The decisions that you make about what to do first, what to do next, and what not to do at all in your marketing program have a direct effect on how well you handle the challenges of your workday and how much revenue you have the potential to generate.

How do you make these decisions, and have confidence in them?

By carefully and deliberately setting the marketing goals for your company, and employing good time management practices to achieve those goals.

The most important time management practice is prioritization. Unfortunately, poor prioritization is the number one cause of overwhelm among women solopreneurs!

Originally published at




I'm Natalie and blogging for me is something I am really passionate about and I feel like I found something in my life that I love to do and that I am good at.